Meeting Schedule

Our Meetings are every 2nd & 4th Saturday of the Month From: 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Power of A Princess | Devotional #1

Ladies -- The 1st Young Lady that can tell me what GGMFF means WINS a Prize!

Here's a Hint: It's what YOU Are To Me!


Anonymous said...

ummmmmmmmm helllo i need help hear my mother is not helpin me out with the ggmff thing i hav part of it and well if u know wat the m or one of the gz are it would be nice to know so i can tell u the rest thanx ttyl

Anonymous said...

I think it is Godly Girlfriends Make Fabulous Friends.


I like your thinking there Spoiled Princess, very, very Clever!